Want to take action against the Global Gag Rule? Below I have posted a letter that I typed up to send to President-elect Obama. Just copy & paste into Word, print, sign & send to Obama. Although Obama has already said he will be overturning the Global Gag Rule, it never hurts to remind him that it is a priority to you, and to thank him for making it a priority as well!
His address is P.O. Box 8102 Chicago, IL, 60680. Here is the letter:
Dear President-elect Obama,
Congratulations on your history-making victory. I am writing to inform you that I am very proud to have a pro-choice President elected. More specifically, I wanted to write you about protecting and advancing women’s reproductive rights, starting with repealing the Global Gag Rule.
Several news sources have reported that you will be repealing the Global Gag Rule, which would be the most significant and effective change in sexual and reproductive health care we’ve seen in eight years. I would like to take this time to remind you that eight years ago, on George W. Bush’s first day in office, he reinstated the Global Gag Rule, preventing safe reproductive options from being available to women across the world. I am so appreciative that you have agreed to reverse this terrible policy.
I would also like to remind you of the importance of the Global Gag Rule and why I support its repeal. The Global Gag Rule has prohibited U.S. funding for contraception (such as condoms) and abortion referrals overseas. This policy prevents abortion counseling in any way, even when pregnancy is the result of sexual violence. Often the women in need of the abortions are teenage girls. They are denied abortions despite the fact that complications in childbirth and pregnancy are the leading causes of death in teenage girls in developing countries (70,000 adolescent mothers and 1 million infants die each year because the mother is not physically ready to give birth). Unfortunately, with the lack of condoms, women have no choice at all, as abstinence does not work in cases of sexual violence or the common practice of forced marriage at a very young age.
It is wrong to deny women in developing countries a choice that will work and protect their lives. Bush’s abstinence-only plan is not working to decrease the spread of HIV/AIDS either. Over half a million women die each year of causes related to pregnancy or childbirth. More than one woman every minute of the day dies and 99% of these women live in developing countries. When you are considering the Global Gag Rule, please keep these raw facts in mind, as this policy is killing women in developing countries as well as stifling the freedom of health clinics.
As you can see, there is only one right decision in regards to the Global Gag Rule and that is to overturn it as soon as possible. Creating awareness about the shocking results of this policy has been all pro-choice Americans could do for the past eight years—but now we can finally have the change that we believe in!
Again, thank you for making the Global Gag Rule a priority, as it is also a priority to me. I will be proud to have a pro-choice President, and look forward to the day when the Global Gag Rule will exist no more.
Thank you and congratulations,